
Poems to inspire U Blog

Inspiring your everyday life



You never Know

How would you know what the Lord has for you.

If you don’t believe or change your ways from where you are.images (13)

You will never know.

Thinking that you can do what is impossible for man to do, but possible for,

God to do.

You will never know.

We think that we can change our lives our situation, but we fall deeper into troubles.

You will never know.

The Lord knows what we go through He hears our cries,He is ready to forgive us,

and to receive us with open arms.

But how would you know this, unless you turn your life to Him who can save you,

and give you eternal life.

But if you are not hearing the word of God, you will never know!

Inspired by the Holy Spirit

Faith in Him

Hold tight to our faith for the Lord will reward us with favor.

Take not what is giving at hand but is not seen to your eye.

Hope for the best of what is giving and receive much more in things.

The Lord, provides us with all that we need and want.

Faith has us to believe in the promises of the Father and His works.

All things will come to and end but we have faith in Him who create,

all things that our eternal salvation is secure in Christ Jesus.

These things that are reveal are not reveal in the natural but are spiritual indeed.

Because our Father is spiritual.

Our faith in His, word keeps us strong in Him.

Hold tight stand strong in your faith and He will never fail you.

Inspired by the Holy Spirit

A man

What makes a man a man if not for the believe of the Father that is within him.

The soul of a man is in danger of existing in the fail corrupt world.

Who can he blame but not himself for fails to turn from his ways and focuses on the sinful nature of this dark world.

A dead man can not rise from the dead but If he be alive in Christ,

born a new creature can have eternal life.

So what makes a man a man? 

Inspired by the Holy Spirit

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