
Poems to inspire U Blog

Inspiring your everyday life


eternal life

My Sorrows

My sorrows are deep and are eternal for those that are lost to this fallen world.

I speak to the heart and the minds of all that seek to free from sin.

Speak it and I will come and change your life and wash your transgressioins away.

I am He sorrowsthat forgives and can make what was once broken make it whole.

I will take your worries, your shame and guilt and make all things new.

Giving you a new life in me, come and taste and see that the Lord is good.

Feel my glory embrace you my peace comfort you my Spirit fill you.peace

Bless is he who calls on the name of the Lord in theses days to come.

Turn and correct your path!

Choose life and not death.

My tears flow for all mankind for wrong in this world.

Open your minds and hearts and receive eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ.

A Choice to Make

Give heed to the words I speak for they are those who are not in the Lord.

I write that you may have the choice to make.

All that turn from me will be doomed to the decision that they make.

I open my arms to all to come, but the time is running nigh.

I see the fate of many and it is not pleasant.

Seek the face of the Lord and you shall have peace.

For in Him you shall find life eternal.

But in the world you will only find death and destruction.

I wish that no man shall perish, but the choice is yours.

Riches of this World

This is a story of a man who had riches, but he didn’t have the Lord.

He found comfort in all things he had, but did not have peace or joy in his life.

The thought he had was that he had everything, but he did not know that his,

soul was lost.

The riches that he gain here in this world and he still was lost, and his soul was condemned.

Man thinks that the his worldly riches can make him happy, but in the end all the,

riches in the world can’t save your soul.

But only through Christ can you have eternal life.

The richest of this world only last for a short time,but God’s word is forever.

Yo cannot but you way into heaven only through confessing your sins and believing,

in your heart that He is Lord can you see the kingdom of God.

Inspired by the Holy Spirit

I am Here

I am here to bring salvation to all who open there hearts to me.

I will not turn from you I will not look at your sins no more.

Be open to receive my glory.

I am with you in all things.

I hold life and death, I am the Almighty!

Who can make those things which are impossible to man possible.

This I can say, eternal life is with me, this world cannot offer you life,

only death.

Be not deceive by the world’s glamour.

For sin is death, those who donot come to the Father, is living in sin.

We all are born into this sinful nature, but through Christ we can be reborn.

I am here for you come all , I am here for you.

Inspired by the Holy Spirit

You never Know

How would you know what the Lord has for you.

If you don’t believe or change your ways from where you are.images (13)

You will never know.

Thinking that you can do what is impossible for man to do, but possible for,

God to do.

You will never know.

We think that we can change our lives our situation, but we fall deeper into troubles.

You will never know.

The Lord knows what we go through He hears our cries,He is ready to forgive us,

and to receive us with open arms.

But how would you know this, unless you turn your life to Him who can save you,

and give you eternal life.

But if you are not hearing the word of God, you will never know!

Inspired by the Holy Spirit

Hold to the Truth

Open your hearts to the word which is spoken.

Take comfort in my laws they are spiritual in every way.

They are not the laws that where given in the days of Moses,

but are the laws of the spirit of grace.

Hold in place all things unto the ways of the Spirit.

I have given you the truth to change you from day to day.

I am here to save and to redeem you from this life of bondage.

Be ready for I am coming with all my glory!

Be ready, be ready.

A man

What makes a man a man if not for the believe of the Father that is within him.

The soul of a man is in danger of existing in the fail corrupt world.

Who can he blame but not himself for fails to turn from his ways and focuses on the sinful nature of this dark world.

A dead man can not rise from the dead but If he be alive in Christ,

born a new creature can have eternal life.

So what makes a man a man? 

Inspired by the Holy Spirit

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