
Poems to inspire U Blog

Inspiring your everyday life


my Father

The Eternal Flame

Oh Lord, I thank you for the flame that burns in me.

I am in perfect peace when He comes to me and speaks,

to me the things that the Lord has in store for me.

I feel His presence in everything that I do.

Oh Lord, I am truly happy that you sent this eternal flame, that can’t bflamee,

quench but burns deep inside.

Cleansing and removing those things that are not of you.

Oh Father, I thank you for the comforter that guides me and teaches me.

Thank you Father for all you do and are doing.

Thank you for your eternal flame.

The Good Shepherd

Withhold nothing from me and I will withhold nothing from you.

I am the good shepherd , I am He who watches over His sheep.

I will lay down my life for my sheep.

I am He wthe good shepherdho has been with you from the beginning and will be with you in the end.

Take note to all I have to say to you.

My word is the living breathe of God.

My blessings are with you I will move you into a new season of favor.

I am with you in all that you do, if it is to the will of the Father.

Remember all things work for the goodness of the Lord, for edification of His glory.

The Lord’s Prayer

If you don’t know how to pray and want to then pray this simple prayer:

Our Father in heaven,

Hallowed be Your name.

Your kingdom come.

Your will be done

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

Animages (12)d forgive us our debts,

As we forgive our debtors.

And do not lead us into temptation,

But deliver us from the evil one.

For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Matt. 6:9-13

The Lord loves you!

A man

What makes a man a man if not for the believe of the Father that is within him.

The soul of a man is in danger of existing in the fail corrupt world.

Who can he blame but not himself for fails to turn from his ways and focuses on the sinful nature of this dark world.

A dead man can not rise from the dead but If he be alive in Christ,

born a new creature can have eternal life.

So what makes a man a man? 

Inspired by the Holy Spirit

A New Day

This is the day that the Lord has made , bless it be the name of the Lord.

The Lord has enriched our lives with his mercy and grace to breathe His,

breath into our bodies.

My Father has taken His love for us and shown it in everything around us.

His Spirit has quicken my body with a newness of strength and has given,

a new song to sing.

Bless the name of Jehovah my God, my Father.

My love for Him is nothing compare to the love he has for me.

Inspired by the Holy Spirit

The Lord Forgives

O Lord, forgive me for my short comings,

Father I know that thou Spirit is with me.

Everyday renewing my mind and delivering me from my fleshly waythCAV95CRMs.

I thank you Father, for all you do for me.

Bless your name Lord for your forgiveness of my sins washing me in your blood,

and making me whole.

Father, Father, Thank you for loving me unconditionally,

even when I felt weak and to destroy me this world comes at me at all sides.

You are there to strengthen me and to set my feet back on the path that you,

have prepare for me.

Abba, Abba Bless your name I will worship only you for you are Jehovah Almighty!

Inspired by the Holy Spirit

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